Calculation of efficiency indicators of transportation processes in industrial transport systems


where Кa is the ratio accounting for the additional area for aisles between containers required for vehicles and staff;

E – estimated capacity of the container site, container seat, (for containers with 2,6 MGW – 435);

fcarea of the container; for containers with ~3 tons of maximum gross weight 2,835 m2.

The general transport capacity formula is the following:


where is the transport capacity of an amount of transport units; is the calculation period for which the transport capacity is defined (day), measured in hours; stands for the amount of vehicles in a cycle; is the cycle duration (time required for movement of one transport unit over the calculated distance), measured in hours; stands for the average calculation speed of the transport flow (10÷15 km/hour); is the calculation distance, measured in meters (150÷200 m).

So, judging from the formula above, we can say that the higher the capacity of transport units in the cycle and the shorter the duration of the cycle, the higher the capacity of transport facilities is.

3.2.Drawing a scheme for a warehouse with a container site


Fig. 3.5The scheme of container side operated by sidelift crane