Анализ данных, статистика и приятие решений

Like any theory, game theory makes use of specific terminology and complex models. Where one wonders what is the prize won by those who wish to deeply study the theory of games.

Game theory has applications economic. Since we are all economic agents should study this theory, the end to understand what theoretical and practical operations could offer bigger cash prizes. Some applications of game theory to real life are:

  • Contracts
  • Military-wars
  • Trade-wars
  • Marketing For competition in the markets
  • Domestic Negotiation,
  • Commercial Negotiation,
  • Collective Negotiation,
  • Partnerships

To any other situation in which two or more individuals requiring interact late financial gain must be included in the list. As the human being is a homo economicus, he can find plenty of applications to Game Theory


To use game theory as an application for a real situation, it is necessary to build simplified models of reality. In these models, needs to represent each player with their respective forms of behavior. When it comes to two players, usually know perfectly well what our behavior, but we know only in part of our rival or opponent. Thus it becomes easier to represent our conduct simplified to represent the behavior of the rival.

In any case, it is required to adequately represent the behavior of the two (or more) players. Our behavior will be known with certainty, while the only rival as likely (in scientific language, stochastic). Sometimes you will need to make two or more representations of the probable behavior of the rival. Each performance is called scenario. Each scenario is a simple game. The set of two or more stages is a set composed.

An ethical and economic implementation of situational analysis in the Prisoner's Dilemma

This is a famous dilemma that focuses on the problem of a thief who has been imprisoned. This problem becomes unethical when every thief must decide whether to trust or