Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

1.  He was surprised that I (know) his telephone number.

 2. I knew the children (hide) somewhere in the room.

 3. He told us that he (work) for a large company.

 4. Hr said the information (be) rather interesting.

 5. We knew that Ann (have) English class every Wednesday.

 6. I knew that they (discuss) my new proposal then.

 7. He said that he (be) interested in marketing.

 8. She said she (be) busy.

 9. The customer said that he (want) talk to me.

10. He explained that he (take) driving lessons.     

Exercise 2. Make the sentences according to the sequences of tenses:

1.  I knew that he (go) to London already.

2.  He asked me why I (not invite) him to that scientific conference.

3.  He said he (not hear) anything about her complaint.

4.  She said the secretary (send) the message already.

5.  I knew that she (make) an appointment with general manager.

6.  He said that he (work) hard all the time.

7.  He told her that he (meet) her the year before.

8.  I knew that he (to be) ill the day before.

9.  She thought he (graduate) from the University.

10.               Didn’t you know that he (establish) a business of his own?  

Exercise 3. Make the sentences according to the sequences of tenses:

1.  He told us that his daughter (to be) a marketer.

2.  She said that she (finish) her report by 6 o’clock.

3.  Mr. Black said the manager (come back) to New York the following day.

4.  The secretary told me that the meeting (take place) the following month.

5.  I hoped that he (apologize).

6.  She said she (not attend) our meeting on Monday.

7.  I asked him when the negotiating (begin).

8.  He said that the price (not include) the cost of packing.

9.  She decided that she (ring) up there tomorrow.

10.              We decided that you (to be) able to help us.   

Exercise 4. Translate into English:

1.  Він сказав, що він сьогодні дуже зайнятий.

2.  Менеджер повідомив нам, що в нього є важливі новини.

3.  Вона запитала, коли я піду за покупками.

4.  Він пояснив, що ніколи там не бував.

5.  Я сподівався, що проведу там всю відпустку.

6.  Він проінформував, що вони вже обговорили цю ситуацію.

7.  Директор сказав, що я повинна відповісти на цей лист негайно.

8.  Секретарка повідомила, що вже надрукувала цей контракт в трьох примірниках.

9.  Вона запитала мене, де працює мій брат.

10.              Він знав, що вони вже розробили нову маркетингову стратегію.