Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

Grammar Structure

Present: has + been + 3f.v/ed    e.g. the letter has been written

Past:      had+ been + 3f.v./ed    e.g. the letter had been written

Future:  will + have + been + 3f.v./ed  e.g. the letter will have been written

Exercise 1. Open the brackets, using the Passive Voice:

2.  This new product much (talk) about.

3.  Those papers (not look through) yet.

4.  Several contracts (sign) next week

5.  When I came, the problem (not settle) yet. 

6.  The letter still (translate).

7.  The list of applicants (make) before I came.

8.  Nothing (hear) of her since she left Kyiv.

9.  This product (produce) in large numbers before we received this complaint about a bad quality.

10.                A new cosmetic line (launch)  onto the market by the end of the year.

11.                Your order (send) before you return. 

Exercise 2. Choose the correct answers:

1.  He knew why he was chosen/ had been chosen.

2.  He was shocked/ had been shocked by his boss’s attitude.

3.  We are just sent/ have been sent new information.

4.  Everything will be done/ will have been done by the end of the week.

5.  He is interviewed/ is being interviewed now.

6.  My application is still considered/ is still being considered by the managers.

7.  The letters has just been brought/have just been brought.

8.  He explained that a new job was offered/had been offered to him in February.

9.  She was never made/has never been made such an exciting proposal.

10.               My computer is repaired/ is being repaired now.             

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1.  Ці ходові споживчі товари виробляються в Україні.

2.  Ці послуги надаються безкоштовно.

3.  Було обговорено лише два питання, коли ми почули дзвоник.

4.  Мені завжди давали корисні поради.

5.  Що вам пояснювали, коли я зайшов?

6.  Не входьте без запрошення. Зараз обговорюється дуже важливе питання.

7.  На жаль нічого не було зроблено для того, щоб допомогти йому закінчити цей проект.

8.  Цікаво, де надаються такі послуги?

9.  Цей високоприбутковий товар буду завезено із західного регіону.