Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

10.          Якби у мене було більше грошей, я б купив машину.          

Third Conditional

(when, if) had +3 ф.д. (Past Perfect) – would + have + 3ф. гл./ed

We use the second conditional:

- to talk about of unreal condition referring to the past

e. g. If the weather had been fine yesterday.  we would have gone for a walk.  

Exercise 1. Finish the sentences using third conditional:

1.  If we had won the money,  ... .

2.  If I had been better at English,  … .

3.  If I had only known about this earlier, ….

4.  If I had consulted the stockholder in time, … .

5.  If he had been an honest person, … .

6.  If we had signed an agreement, ... .

7.  If the new investment plan had been completed, … .

8.  If you had established a company by your own, … .

9.  If he had been more friendly, …

10.          If he had asked a permission, … .

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1.  If I had sold my shares then, I (make) a lot of money.

2.  If you hadn’t taken so many risks, you (lose) so much.

3.  If I had bought that lottery ticket, I (win) one million.

4.  If the company hadn’t raised its fund, it (go) bankrupt.

5.  If I had known this great new, I (tell) you.

6.  If had sold my car a couple of years before, I (get) more money.

7.  If he had invested on the stock market, he (live) from the income.

8.  If he had worked alone, he (finish) this work.

9.  If had known this information, he  (work) us last week.

10.          If I (not make) profit on my shares, I would have never bought this house.           

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1.  Якби ви все зробили своєчасно, ми б уже підписали контракт з цієї фірмою.

2.  Якщо б я знав про вашу пропозицію раніше, я б не погодився на цю роботу.

3.  Якби я знав про цей контракт, я б переклав його ще на минулому тижні.

4.  Якби ми підписали контракт, цього б не сталося.

5.  Якби він знав всі факти, він би допоміг нам в минулу п’ятницю.

6.  Якби я знав про це раніше, я б повідомив про це тобі.

7.  Якби я знав вчора, що ви приїхали, я б зустрів вас в аеропорту.