Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

share options                            опціон на акції (пільга, яку іноді


golden hello                                             

golden good bye

отримують  працівники компанії. Вона надає їм право купувати акції                                                          компанії зі знижкою по відношенню                                                                 до ринкової ціни)


золоте привітання, велика сума грошей чи  інша форма заохочення                                                               

велика компенсаційна сума посадовій особі, що іде у відставку,

або звільняється 

With a purpose make the staff  best to perform the work the leadership usually motivates its personnel. There are most important of them such as high pay, bonuses, remuneration, fringe benefits which involves medical insurance, company car, pension, training, travel allowance, promotion, gym, share options, and etc. Share options give the employee the chance to buy shares in the company at an advantageous price.

 Salary  is seen as one of the most important forces in motivating the workforce.

Remunerationis a general team meaning «payment for work». In some jobs in sales for example, the employee receives a commissions, which is a percentage of the amount he or she has sold.  A fee is money paid for the professional services of people such as lawyer or consults.

Benefits add to the value job. Apart from salary, an executive’s compensation package can include bonuses and fringe benefits. Fringe benefits are extras received by an employee in addition to wages or salaries.

There is also a compensation package for an executive leaving a company. It is also known as a golden goodbye, golden handshake.        

Exercise 1. Give the English for:

премія, гонорар, додаткові пільги, опціони, компенсація за відрядження, заохочення, винагорода, з метою, крім, компенсація особі, яка звільняється.

Exercise 2. Match word from list A with words from the list B that have similar meaning:

                     A                                            B

                 receive                                    payment

                 motivate                                 obtain

                 salary                                     stimulate

                 compensation                         stock

                 share                                       remuneration

Exercise 3. Math the words with the correct definitions from the list below:

share option, fee, remuneration, consultant, golden goodbye, fringe benefits,    commission, salary;