Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

9.  Leaders should be able to look at themselves objectively and analyze where they have  made mistakes and where they have disappointed people.

Exercise  1. Give for the English: 

твердість, сприйняття, відпочивати, послідовність, управляти, давати не задумуючись, хотіти,  розважатись, дотримуватись, полегшувати. 

Exercise 2. Match words from list A with words from list B that have similar meaning:

      A                                        B

hand out                                 relax

rigidity                                   want

sit back                                  consistency 

coherence                              give without hesitation 

run                                         stick to

perception                             entertainment

keep up                                  hardness

to be eager                             realization 

amuse                                     rule

Exercise 3. Do you agree or disagree with the statements below? 

1)  a leader should be a good teacher and communicator;  

2)  a leader must manage time and use it effectively;  

3)  a leader must have technical competence;  

4)  a leader must provide vision;  

5)  a leader must be visible and approachable;  

6)  a leader should be introspective;  

7)  a leader should be dependable;  

8)  a leader should be open-minded;  

9)  a leader should have a sense of humour.  

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions, work in pairs:

1. How do you see a real leader and what qualities should he/she have?

2. Do you agree with advice in the text? Which of them are acceptable for you?

3. Do you consider yourself a leader? What necessary qualities do you have in

    your   personality for being a leader?

4.What characteristics are the most important for the leader to your mind?  

Unit 13. Business trip

Active Vocabulary

departure                                                       від’їзд

airline                                                             літак     

carrier                                                            перевізник

check-in                                                          реєстрація