Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

Exercise 3.  Work in pairs. Take turns to describe the marketing process. Use these phrases:

 First you have to ...  ■ Then ...  ■ Next ■ After that...  ■ Finally...

Exercise 4.  Work in groups. Think of a product you would like to produce and sell. It could be any  kind of product, using marketing elements:  Product name; Target market; Objective; Strategy; Promotion.

Exercise 5. Do some research. Think of a product you know or buy regularly, and about how the company markets it. Who is their target market? What are their objectives? Find out what you can about the company. What is their market share? Who are their competitors? Tell the class.

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1 What is the marketing? Why is it important?

2. What are the main elements of marketing?

3. What sort of promotion do you know?

4. Why is it necessary to know target market?

5. Why is it necessary to have strategy?

6. What is the correlation between advertising and marketing?

Unit 19. Wholesaling

Active Vocabulary


provide channels

indirect channels

wholesaling middleman


complicated channels

chain movement

wholesale  unit

to earn salary

merchant wholesaler

оптова торгівля

забезпечувати систему збуту

непряма система збуту

оптовий покупець (посередник)

роздрібний торговець

складна система збуту 

система об’єднання   

оптове підприємство

заробляти зарплату

оптовий покупець

to require the goods as ownership

придбати товари у власність