Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

Exercise 3. Match the words with the correct definition from the list below:

manufacture, service, money spinner, withdraw, merchandise, product life cycle, profitable, loss leader;

1.  the idea that the sale of a production goes through 4 phases: introduction, growth;

2.  maturity, and decline;

3.  something that earns a lot of money;

4.  a product sold at a loss to encourage trade;

5.  bringing in more money than in spent;

6.  to take something back;

7.  the job that an organization does;

8.  to make goods to sell from raw material;

9.  goods for sale.

Exercise 4. Put the necessary word in the sentences:

to persuade, manufactured, product life cycle, profitable, loss leader (2), the merchandise, fast-moving money spinner.

1.  The book could be a real … .

2.  Soap, toothpaste, batteries and light bulbs are all … consumer goods.

3.  You are welcome to examine … before buying.

4.  Shops use … to attract customers.

5.  This deal should be lightly … .

6.  Fashion goods have short … .

7.  These goods were … in France.

8.  In Great Britain supermarkets sometimes sell top branches below cost  as …

9.  Trained staff is trying … customers to spend far more.          

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:  

1.  What makes the business world?

2.  How can a product be characterized?

3.  What two general categories may products be grouped into?

4.  What are the services?

5.  If a products generates a lot of profit is it a money spinner or a loss leader?

6.  What purpose is a loss leader used for?

7.  Why must firms introduce new products?

Exercise 6. Sum up what you remember about:

-    products and services;

-    different kinds of goods.