Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

Exercise 5. Work in pairs. Be prepared a report about an interview with the owner of a local business. Plan carefully in advance  your interview. Ask the business owner questions such as:

1. What service does he/she sell?

2. What risks do you take in operating your own business?

3. What method do you use to compete with similar business for customers?

4. What training and experience should a person have before attempting to 

    start his or her own business?      

5. How much capital did he/she put in business to start it?

6. What are his/her fixed and variable costs?

7. What price does he/she charge?

8. How many hours' work does cover his/her costs?

9. How much profit does he/she  make?

Unit 24.Financing Business

                                                 Active Vocabulary

internal funds                         внутрішніборги 

external funds                         зовнішні борги

to meet one’s expenses           покривати чиїсь витрати 

depreciation                            знецінення, зниження цін

to wear out                              зношуватися, спрацьовуватися

to cover the cost of smth.       покрити вартість чого-небудь

short-term loans                     короткострокова позика

long-term loans                       довгострокова позика

the principal                           запозичена сума

common stock                        спільні акції 

preferred stock                       привілейовані акції

to have voting rights              мати право голосу        

security exchange                   фондова біржа

default                                      невиплата, невиконання


mutual funds                           спільні фонди

prospectus                               проспект емісії

balance sheet                           балансовий звіт

income statement                    звіт про прибуток 

assets                                        актив  

liabilities                                  пасив балансу, борги,


net worth                                 вартість майна за винятком


Most money used by business comes from the sale of its products and services. Since these funds come from within the firm they are described as internal funds. The rest must come from outside, or external funds.