Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

        contract                                                 under smth 

        To fulfill the obligations                       invoice

        the payment  is understood                  agreement 

        shipment                                               to carry out

        to consider null and void                      the payment is made    

        according                                             to be over    

        receipt                                                  delivery

Exercise 3 Answer the following questions:

1.  What are the main elements of the contract? 

2.  What does involve the Subject of the contract in the Agreement?

3.  What does involve the Terms of the Payment of the Contract in the Agreement?

4.  What does involve the Time of Delivery in the Agreement?

5.  What are another parts of the Contract?    

6.  What are the main points the representatives of the both parties are always


7.  What can influence on the price?

8.  Has any influences on the Contract some economic environment and what way?    

9.  What reason can reduce the price?

Unit 28. Types of Banks

Active Vocabulary


be engaged in

Central bank

банківська справа


Центральний банк

the Federal Reserve System (the FED)

Федеральна резервна система

commercial bank

accept deposits

make a loan

manage customers accounts

комерційний банк

приймати депозити (вклади)

одержати позику, надавати 


вести рахунки клієнтів (у


merchant bank

investment bank

saving bank

saving account

торговельний банк

інвестиційний банк

ощадний банк

ощадний рахунок

A bank is an institution that deals in money and provides other financial services. Banks are the heart of any financial system.  

Banking is the business a bank is engaged in.