Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

Auditing consists of paperwork, inventory, (stock-taking), accounting records, evaluation, calculation, accounts, balance keeping.    

Paperwork involves company’s activity information on the different data carrier which enable itlegal force. 

Inventory is a mean of checking values according to the auditing.

Accounting records mean the control of the enterprise property.

Evaluation means evaluation enterprise assets intomoney measure.

Calculation is mean of calculation real price. Real price is the determined price of the produced product.

Balance keeping is the keeping information of the enterprise assets and its formation.

Accounting records is the system of the indexes which show financial   activity of enterprise.      

Exercise 1. Give the English for:

перевірка та аналіз фінансових документів,  аудитор,  зовнішній аудит, внутрішній аудит, бухгалтерія, фінансові справи компанії, перевіряти бухгалтерську документацію, стандартні методи роботи, точна інформація. 

Exercise 2. Match words from list A with words from list B that have a similar meaning: 

                  A                                           B

          outside audit                       uncontrolled

          review                                 process

          evaluation                           sufficient

          check                                  achievable

          accounting records             examine

          accurate                              examination

          inventory                            analysis

          adequate                             correct

          accessible                           bills

          procedure                           stock-taking

          independent                       external audit  

Exercise 3. Match the words and phrase with the correct definition from the list below:

financial statement, evaluation, audit, internal audit, auditor, external audit, standard operating procedures, books;

1.  a detailed inspection of the accounts of an organization by a professionally trained  person;

2.  an audit carried out by a person not employed by the company to check that the accounts are accurate and honest;

3.  a professionally trained person who examines the accounts of an organization that they  are true and correct;