Історія міжнародної системи бухгалтерського обліку



1.       Ahmad S. M. The development of uniform international accounting: an enquiry into the problems, progress and prospects / Suleiman Mumtaz Ahmad. − Monterey, Calif. Naval Postgraduate School, 1975. − 175 p.

2.       Basoglu, B. and Goma, A. (2002). International Accounting Standards and Selected Middle East Stock Exchanges, 1−8. Retrieved July 20, 2009 [Елект­ронний ресурс]. − Режим доступу: www.luc.edu/orgs/meea/volume4/ Basoglu%20Revised.do.

3.       Dennis A. Taking Account of History: How much and how little have changed in a century / Anita Dennis // Journal of Accountancy. − 2004. − Vol. 197, No. 5.

4.       Doupnik, T., Perera, H. International Accounting, New York, 2007: pp. 26­142.

5.       Flesher D. L. Gerhard G. Mueller: Father of International Accounting Education / Dale L. Flesher, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2010, 220 pp.

6.       IFAC History [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: http://www.ifac.org/ about−ifac/organization−overview/history.

7.       International convergence of accounting standards − a brief history [Електро­нний ресурс]. Режим доступу: http://www.fasb.org/ jsp/FASB/Page/Section Page&cid=1176156304264.

8.       Knowledge guide to International Accounting Standards [Електронний ре­сурс]. Режим доступу: http://www.icaew.com/en/library/subject− gateways/accounting−standards/knowledge−guide−to−international−accounting− standards.

9.       Mueller, Gerhard, International Accounting, MacMillan, 1967.

10.   Veron, Nicolas.The Global Accounting Experiment. Bruegel blueprint series, Volume 2, 2007. − 71 р.

11.   Zeff, S. A. The Evolution of the IASC into the IASB, and the Challenges it Faces / Stephen A. Zeff // The accounting review. − 2012. − Vol. 87, No. 3. − pp.807−837.