I am an accountant

I am an accountant


When for me there came time to decide on future profession, before me and my family there was a question: "To continue study at school or after the ninth class to receive a profession in college? And if to choose a profession, what?". My destiny therefore I strong thought depended on this decision. I was always the exemplary pupil and the many-sided person. In the childhood very much I liked to sing, I arranged concerts for relatives and friends and very much I wanted to become the variety singer. Over time this hobby was changed by another: in school days I gave preference to chemistry. I liked to write down formulas, to make experiments, to participate in the Olympic Games. Many thought that I will connect the life with medicine. After much debate and reflections the choice was made. Mother advised to become an accountant to me, I agreed with it and now I am not sorry about the decision at all.

Peru the Polish poet Stanislav Ezhi Lets possesses words: "Only accountants could determine date of emergence of the world". I am proud that my future profession is so old, as well as a civilization. It is known that already six thousand years ago people began to register the facts of economic life purposefully.

Who such accountant and in what an essence of this profession? The accountant (in translation from German - "bibliologist") is an expert in accounts department who has to in time and it is correct to pay taxes, to report to government bodies, clients and partners of the organization, to trace a state of the account of the enterprise and to lead balance to a uniform indicator.

Many consider this profession boring, uninteresting, monotonous. I think differently: my future profession of the accountant both is dangerous, and is difficult, both is important, and is interesting …

It is important because without accountant existence of any company as each organization has to trace all executed economic operations is impossible. The competent accountant is a guarantee of financial success of the company! For this reason often the accountant some kind of "the right hand" of the administration, and the word of the accountant in firm it is powerful.