Совершенствование сглаживающих фильтров тяговых подстанций постоянного тока омский государственный университет путей сообщения


The abstract






Degree project is kept 95 pages, 49 drawings, 8 tables, 11 sources, 1 exhibit, 6 sheets of graphic material, executed in the electronic type.




The Factor of the smoothing of the harmonicas n-ouch harmonic forming, resulting factor of the smoothing of the harmonicas, psofometrics voltage, unplugging ability of the breaker, voltage of the arc, current of the arc, minimum amount capacitor in parallel part aperiodic SF.


Object of the study are a tractive substations of the direct current.


Purpose of the work -an analysis of the main ways of increasing to efficiency SF. Methods of the study – analytical.


Will Analysed main ways of increasing to efficiency SF, is proved using SF with raised capacity of the parallel part and lowered by inductance of the reactor, as well as using active SF.


The got results can be used under research work in the field of increasing of efficiency of the work SF tractive network of the direct current with adjacent


электротехническими communication.


Degree project is executed in text editor Microsoft Word 2002, graphic material was submitted for diskette in envelope on turn of the cover.