Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

Unit 1. The Economy

                                                      Active Vocabulary


factors of production


opportunity costs



production possibilities

law of increasing opportunity costs

economic growth

market mechanism


чинники виробництва

обмеженість, дефіцит 

оптимальні витрати



виробничі можливості                                                  

закон зростання

оптимальних витрат

економічне зростання

ринковий механізм                     

«The economy» is simply an abstraction that refers to the sum of all our individual production and consumption activities. In order to produce anything, we need resources, or factors of production. Factors of production are the inputs — land, labor, and capital (buildings and machinery) we use to produce final goods and services (output).

Unfortunately, the quantity of available resources is limited. We cannot produce everything we want in the quantities we desire. Resources are scarce relative to our desires. This fact forces us to make difficult choices.

Opportunity costs exist in all situations where available resources are not abundant enough to satisfy all our desires.

Indeed, economic is often defined as the study of how to allocate scarce resources. The study of economic focuses on «getting the most from what we've got», on making the best use of our scarce resources.

Production possibilities are the alternative combinations of final goods and services that could be produced in a given time period with all available resources and technology.

According to the law of increasing opportunity costs we must give up everincreasing quantities of other goods and services in order to get more of a particular good.

Economic growth is an increase in output; an expansion of production possibilities.

Over time the quantity of resources available for production has also increased. Each year our population grows a bit, thereby enlarging the number of potential workers. Our stock of capital equipment has increased even faster. In addition the quality of our labor and capital resources has improved, as a result of more education (labor) and better machinery (capital).

Market mechanism is the use of market prices and sales to signal desired outputs (or resource allocations).