Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

3. What movement has emerged  in the last 40 years?

4. What are the four basic rights of consumers?

5. Who investigates consumer tastes and with what purpose?

6. Whom do we call «clients»?

7. Do you think that it is necessary to protect the rights of the consumers?    

Unit 23. Getting started in business

Active vocabulary

make analytical market review  робити аналітичний огляд ринку

draw up                                        скласти (бізнес-план, контракт)

fixed costs                                     фіксовані витри

variable costs                                змінні витрати

profit                                             прибуток

revenue                                         дохід

suffer from losses                        терпіти збитки

1.  Get organized. Decide what your skills are. Find out if there is a market for buyers in your area. Make analytical marker review of your product or services.   

2.  Decide what capital you need to start your business. Think about how to get the  you can use your own money or you can ask the bank for a loan . If you get a loan, be sure you can afford to pay properly.

3.  Draw up your business-plan.

4.  Calculate your costs. First, work out your fixed costs, for example, the rent on your office or the interest on a loan. Then add your variable costs, for example, equipment or tax (if you pay it).

5.  Work out how much to charge for your service. Find out what other people are charging and use this to set your own prices.

6.  Think over promotion your product or services. What sort of advertisement will suit  most of all. 

7.  Your profit is  the amount of money you receive from selling your service. You need to calculate this very carefully. Your revenue is the number of hours worked multiplied by (x) the price per hour.

8.  Your business will make profit а  if your revenue for a year is more than your costs. If your costs are higher than the revenue, you'll suffer from your losses. Work out carefully the number of hours you need to work.

Exercise 1. Give the English for:

обдумувати, робити аналітичний огляд ринку, скласти, дізнатися, просити позику в банку, процентна ставка, розробити, покривати затрати, терпіти збитки, змінні витрати, фіксовані витрати, прибуток.

Exercise  2. Match an appropriate word-combinations: 

interest, capital, make loss,  fixed costs, profit, loan, revenue;