Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

savings account. The budget account is for receiving funds from Ukrainian government authorities.

Opening an account is relatively inexpensive, the cost depending on the bank and the type of account. Hard currency accounts can cost up to $150. Fees for opening hryvnia accounts are lower.

Exercise 1. Give the English for:

постачання, позика, іпотека, перевищення кредиту, іноземна валюта, фіксована процентна ставка, забезпечити широкий спектр послуг, тверда валюта, кредитний рахунок, зберігати, оплата рахунків, право власника, зберігати, надає право, уповноважений. 

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions: 

1. What function do the banks perform nowadays?

2. List banking services which you know.

3. What is the loan and what way it is performed?

4. What is the mortgage and what way it is performed?

5. What is an overdraft?

6. What  wide range of financial services do you know?

7. By what legislation is the process for opening a bank account regulated?

8. How does it cost to open banking account?

9. What account is most convenient for you? 

10. What do you think how many banks are there in Kiev? 

Unit 30. Investment

Active Vocabulary

capital goods


Unit Trust (BrE)

Mutual Fund (AmE)

fixed rate of interest

derivate/derivate instrument




засоби виробництва, товари

виробничого  призначення

портфель цінних паперів

пайовий фонд/траст   

взаємний фонд

фіксована процентна ставка

похідний інструмент


опціон, угода з премією 

своп, обмін активами чи


When we speak about investments we mean the purchase by a business of a new capital or of capital goods such as new machinery. In the most general sense, the objective of investing is to earn money with money. When investor holds the collection of financial securities we say that he holders  portfolio.