Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

1. Obligation and Necessity: must, have to, should, ought  to, need;

        a) Must is used for strong obligations:

          -  rules or laws:  e.g. Investors must pay taxes;

         - advice or recommendations:

           e.g. You must take your  medicine regularly if you want to get better;

         - obligations that the speaker imposes on him or herself:

            e. g. I must get up early tomorrow;

         b) Have to is used when the obligation comes from someone else or an  external authority:

e. g. You have to wear a uniform – that is the company rule;

         c) Need, need to is used to talk about necessities, rather than obligations: e.g. I need to get my hair cut;

         d) Should, ought to are used to express milder obligations, they are often  used when giving advices:   

            e. g. You should always keep receipts when you buy clothes.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of must, have to, need, should,  ought to.

1.  You ________ not worry about the article. -  I’ll translate it later.

2.  The drivers _________ must wear seat belts.

3.  You __________ must have medical insurance when you go abroad.

4.  You ________ have to buy a license if you want to set up your own business.

5.  The customer __________  need not pass their point.

6.  They ___________ to transfer money yesterday.

7.  A CPA _________ pass a series of examinations, after which he receives a certificate.

8.  You __________ have the financial statement ready by the end of the month.

9.  He ___________  invite her to the meeting.

10.          You __________ to fill in this application form.

11.          You __________ consult an expert to identify this document.

12.          You __________ not take a car to get to the office. I’ll gladly give you a lift.

13.          He __________ to send a letter of apology.

14.          This is serious, he _________ not joke about it.

15.          My boss was ill and I __________ to attend that press conference.

16.          They _________ follow his advice.

Exercise 2. Translate into English:

1.  Керівництво встановлює правила, а ви повинні виконувати їх.

2.  Ціна на цей новий товар дуже висока. Ви повинні знизити її.

3.  Я вважаю, що він повинен піти у відставку після цього засідання.

4.  Почекай трошки, я повинен продивитися ці документи.

5.  Тобі не слід втручатися в цю брудну справу.

6.  Йому довелося відповісти на багато запитань на засіданні Ради Директорів.

7.  Йому не слід нехтувати твоїми корисними порадами.