Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)

12.         a regular payment  made to a person who has retired form a job;

13.         someone who works for her/himself and is not employed  by a company; 

14.         a letter sent with a document or goods explaining the contents;

15.         a post to be filled by a new employee.       

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1.  What department is administration of people done?

2.  What is the Human Resources department of a company responsible for? 

3.  When a person works freelance, does he work for himself? 

4.  What should a jobseeker do if he or her is interested in a particular post?

5.  What should you do when you want to get hunt a job or change for another one?

6.  What other document should  be sent together with a curriculum vitae? 

7.  What is the process of applying job in Ukraine? 

Unit 9. Interviewing

Active Vocabulary

interviewee                                        особа, яка дає інтерв’ю

interviewer                                       інтерв’юер

reference                                           рекомендація

accept the job                                   приймати пропозицію про


turn down the job offer                   відхиляти пропозицію про 


appoint                                              призначити,  затверджувати 

sign                                                    підписувати

employment contract                      трудовий контракт

working conditions                          умови праці

salary                                                заробітна платня

in advance                                        заздалегідь

research                                            вивчати, досліджувати

implement                                        виконувати, здійснювати  

relocate                                             переміщатися, переселятися  

training course                                курс навчання

strengths                                          сильні сторони

weakness                                          недолік

            An interview is a formal meeting between a candidate and people from the company. In this situation, the candidate is the interviewee and the representatives of the company are the interviewers. After an interview, the interviewers will follow up the references of promising candidates. To do this they ask for letter about the candidate from a previous employer (or a tutor, in