Англійська мова для економістів (English for Economists)


Oh! I came to know very much about some things I’ve never heard.             Thanks a lot.


You’re welcome.

Exercise 6. Create communicative situations: 

1.  Although economists  know a great deal about how to stabilize the economy, our  system still goes through periods of expansion and contraction. Describe some of  the problems facing decision makers who are trying to use fiscal and monetary policies to keep the economy growing steadily.               

2.  As the economy moves from “recession” to “expansion”, what is likely to happen to wages, investment, employment, profits?      

3.  During which phase of the cycle (“recession or “expansion”) is production 

      increasing? Why?

Unit 3. Inflation

                                                 Active Vocabulary



relative price

nominal price

real income

money illusion

Consumer Price Index

inflation rate

price stability

demand-pull inflation

cost-push inflation



відносна ціна 

номінальний доход 

реальний доход

грошова ілюзія

індекс споживчих цін

темп інфляції

стабільність цін

інфляція спричинена попитом

інфляція спричинена


Most people associate inflation with price increases on specific goods and services. The economy is not necessarily experiencing an inflation, however, every time the price  goes up. We must be careful to distinguish the phenomenon of inflation from price increases for specific goods. Inflation is an increase in the average level of prices, not a change in any specific price.

We first determine the average price of all output — the average price level — then look for changes in that average. A rise in the average price is referred to as inflation.

The average price level may fall as well as rise. A decline in average prices — a deflation — occurs when price decreases on some goods and